Meet Myrtho, an enigmatic artist who has finally stepped into the spotlight after quietly contributing to the art scene for decades. Her multifaceted journey encompasses the roles of collector, art promoter, and a highly skilled artist in her own right.
Prepare to be captivated by the sheer breadth of Myrtho's portfolio, boasting over a hundred remarkable pieces. Delve into her world of creativity, where drawings come to life and metal sculptures adorned with exquisite semi-precious stones like corals, turquoise, pearls, malachites, onyx, and tiger's eye transport you to a realm of wonder. But Myrtho's artistic prowess doesn't stop there.
With an innovative approach, Myrtho seamlessly blends the conventional with the unconventional. While she gracefully wields classic tools such as paintbrushes and pencils, her artistic vision knows no bounds. Watch in awe as she effortlessly transforms ordinary household items into extraordinary masterpieces, infusing them with beauty and intrigue. Myrtho's unique artistic process is an art form in itself, inviting you to explore the limitless possibilities of creation.
Prepare to be astounded as Myrtho unveils her hidden treasures, revealing a lifetime of artistic expression that will leave an indelible mark on your imagination.
What a privilege to be able to express oneself through creation!
- Myrtho Celestin